My Journey
Zoe Awen Zoe Awen

My Journey

A descriptive, motivating and funny account of my journey into art, the experiences and emotional triggers that created my investigations of vulva shame. Including some back story of my toxic marriage and illness as a result that propelled me further into creative practice and self reflection. The My Journey section also includes a brief narrative summary about my upbringing and how I got to producing this book, with insights into how I’ve become so approachable about these topics and why I feel that’s important.

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Deep Listening
Zoe Awen Zoe Awen

Deep Listening

How the experience of listening began and the methods of research I used as part of my creative explorations of my vagina. Including personal accounts of what it was like listening with the hydrophone inside my body, my expectations, what I heard, felt and found out as part of the process.

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